Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Qué es el programa de Comunidades Seguras
Quà © es el programa de Comunidades Seguras Comunidades Seguras es un programa del gobierno federal de colaboracià ³n con autoridades locales y estatales para identificar inmigrantes para proceder a su remocià ³n inmediata de los Estados Unidos o al inicio de un procedimiento de deportacià ³n. Las razones por las que el migrante puede verse en ese problema pueden ser variadas, desde estar en el paà s como indocumentado a haber cometido violaciones migratorias o delitos oà faltas penales. En este artà culo se explica cà ³mo funciona este programa, por quà © tiene fieros defensores y crà ticos, cul es la relacià ³n de Comunidades Seguras con las ciudades santuario y quà © se puede hacer. Cmo funciona el programa Comunidades Seguras El funcionamiento es realmente sencillo. En Estados Unidos cuando una persona es arrestada o detenida se le toman las huellas digitales, conocidas en algunos paà ses como dactilares. A continuacià ³n esa informacià ³n se le envà a al FBI. El FBI las compara contra varias bases de datos, por ejemplo, IAFIS, donde estn fichadas personas con pasado delictivo. Adems, las compara con bases de datos de otras agencias como IDENT, del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) en la que se guarda toda la informacià ³n disponible sobre inmigrantes, sobre criminales y sobre personas consideradas terroristas o sospechosas de serlo. Asimismo, tambià ©n se comparan esas huellas dactilares con la base de datosà de los oficiales de migracià ³n, como por ejemplo US-VISIT, con las que controlan losà pasos fronterizos terrestres, puertos y aeropuertos. Si el resultado es que la persona es inmigrante y tiene rà ©cord criminal o una orden de deportacià ³n pendiente o se sospecha que est en el paà s ilegalmente entonces se considera que se produce un à ¨hità ¨. Aclarar que se puede creer que una persona est como indocumentada tanto porque no aparece rà ©cord de su ingreso legal y se cree que es extranjera o porque es evidente que ingresà ³ legalmente pero no ha salido a tiempo.à Si se produce ese à ¨hità ¨, es decir, una coincidencia de interà ©s para Inmigracià ³n, entonces el FBI lo notifica tanto a la autoridad que tiene a la persona arrestada o detenida como al Centro de Apoyo para el Cumplimiento de la Ley (LESC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que es un departamento dentro de ICE. A partir de ahà , ICE analiza la situacià ³n y decide, segà ºn lo que considere prioritario, quà © hacer. Puede decidir emitir un detainer, tambià ©n conocido como hold. Esto quiere decir que se solicita que se retenga al detenido por 48 horas ms a partir del dà a que deba ser liberado, con el objetivo de darle tiempo al ICE de hacerse cargo. En ese plazo de 48 horas no se incluyen sbados, domingos ni feriados. Adems, en la actualidad los detainer van acompaà ±ados de una orden (warrant, por su nombre en inglà ©s), que pueden ser de dos clases: para remocià ³n/deportacià ³n o para arresto. A partir de ahà , si la autoridad que recibe el detainer decide cumplirlo, entregar al detenido a las autoridades migratorias, que segà ºn el caso, procedern a su deportacià ³n inmediata o iniciarnà un procedimiento judicial de deportacià ³n. Argumentos a favor y en contra de Comunidades Seguras Los defensores de este programa consideran que es una gran herramienta para deportar a migrantes, particularmente los que tienen un historial comoà criminales violentos.à Sin embargo, un estudio de Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse de la Universidad de Syracuse argumenta que en la actualidad no hay datos pà ºblicos de cuntos detainers se emiten y que no est nada claro cuntos son causa de deportacià ³n. Es ms, aseguran que solamente un porcentaje mà nimo de las deportaciones tienen su origen en un detainer emitido dentro del marco de Comunidades Seguras. Entre los argumentos en contra de Comunidades Seguras se citan, entre otros, que rompe la confianza entre la policà a y la comunidad y hace que muchos delitos no se reporten. Adems, se afirma que da lugar a la deportacià ³n elevada de inmigrantes con rà ©cord criminal limpio, cuyo à ºnico problema es que estn en el paà s como indocumentados. Finalmente, tambià ©n se aduce que Comunidades Seguras es un gasto excesivo para las municipalidades. Lo cierto es que este programa ha tenido un historial conflictivo. Fue creado en el aà ±o 2008 por el presidente George W. Bush en el condado de Harris en Texas y de ahà se extendià ³ progresivamente por todo el paà s, incluidos sus territorios como por ejemplo Puerto Rico, bajo el mandato de Obama. Bajo ese presidente se establecieron prioridades en su aplicacià ³n y, finalmente, se suspendià ³ su aplicacià ³n. Sin embargo, la llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca supuso su activacià ³n mediante orden ejecutiva del 25 de enero de 2017. En la actualidad sigue siendo un programa muy criticado, que causa miedo entre la comunidad migrante y que ha dado lugar a oposicià ³n de municipios e incluso estados en la forma de lo que se conoce como ciudades santuario. Qu son las ciudades santuario y cmo se relacionan con el programa Comunidades Seguras Uno de los temas migratorios ms controvertidos y debatidos en los Estados Unidos es el de las ciudades santuario, a las que sus crà ticos acusan de no cumplir con las leyes migratorias.à Para entender este asunto lo primero es saber de quà © realmente se est hablando. Hay que partir de que no hay una definicià ³n legal de lo que es una ciudad santuario, pero puede entenderse como tal a aquellaà jurisdiccià ³n -estado, condado o ciudad, que limita su colaboracià ³n con las autoridades federales en materia de inmigracià ³n. Ese là mite puede estar declarado pà ºblicamente o puede ser algo que simplemente ocurre, es decir, es un asunto informal. En cuanto a las formas que puede tomar la falta de colaboracià ³n, à ©stas pueden ser muy variadas. Por ejemplo, la prohibicià ³n de que un funcionario pà ºblico municipal pregunte sobre el estatus migratorio de una persona. Otro ejemplo comà ºn es el de no compartir informacià ³n sobre datos en los que conste la situacià ³n de indocumentado de un migrante como es el caso de la Ciudad de Nueva York que no comparte lo que sabe sobre los solicitantes del I.D. de la ciudad. Pero quiz el ejemplo ms conocido y el que levanta ms crà ticas y que est directamente relacionado con el programa de Comunidades Segurasà es el de no cumplir con las peticiones de deteiners que emite el ICE solicitando a otra jurisdiccià ³n que retenga, por un plazo de 48 horas, a un migrante que tiene arrestado o detenido por otro asunto no relacionado con temas migratorios. Algunas ciudades santuario incumplen los deteiners siempre mientras que otras los ejecutan cuando el objeto del deteiner es un inmigrante con un delito en su rà ©cord.à En la actualidad, segà ºn el Inmigrant Legal Resource Center, hay ms de 300 jurisdicciones que en algà ºn grado pueden ser consideradas como ciudades santuario y han sido amenazadas con la retirada de fondos federales, en particular de subvenciones del Departamento de Justicia. Sin embargo, no es seguro de que se pueda aplicar este castigo y en la fecha en la que se escribe este artà culo est inmerso en una batalla legal de la que se desconoce cà ³mo puede finalizar. Qu se puede hacer Lo cierto es que estamos viviendo una à ©poca que causa gran ansiedad entre la comunidad migrante. Los residentes permanentes deberà an considerar convertirse en ciudadanos mediante naturalizacià ³n y evitar cualquier tipo de problemas que pueden dar lugar a su deportacià ³n. Los extranjeros con visa deben conocer los tà ©rminos de la misma y evitar violaciones migratorias. Y en cuanto a los migrantes indocumentados deben informarse sobre si existe alguna posibilidad real para arreglar su situacià ³n, deben conocer sus derechos si son parados por la autoridad y no mostrar ninguna documentacià ³n que pueda dar lugar a revelar que estatus, como por ejemplo la matrà cula consular. Finalmente, es siempre aconsejable que tengan a mano el telà ©fono de un abogado migratorio u organizacià ³n de apoyo a inmigrantes de confianza para comunicarse en el caso de problemas. Estar informados es siempre la mejor arma para estar preparados, defender los derechos que se tienen y evitar ser và ctimas de fraude por parte de personas inescrupulosas que toman ventaja de la situacià ³n de miedo en la que muchos migrantes viven en la actualidad. Este artà culo es informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Housework Division Essays
Housework Division Essays Housework Division Essay Housework Division Essay 1. Regardless of whether the household is a dual-income household or non marriage is about via media. With via media comes adjustment. One twosome might hold a spouse who works longer hours or has a more strenuous occupation. To suit the spouse. the other partner might hold to make more of the house work. One spouse might hold more duties than another but in the terminal it should be every bit shared. 2. Many old ages ago. when households would last off of the land. both work forces and adult females were concerted and worked along each others side. They both assumed arduous responsibilities and shared undertakings. Most would be divided by gender but the twosome would actively take part both at place and work. Today. due to the dramatic addition in industrialisation. a batch of the family undertakings that chiefly adult females did are no longer known as a job . With the female labour force increasing from 25 % in 1940 to 61 % in 2003. the term housewife and housewife continue to be rarely used as a agency of work. As female labour continues to lift each twelvemonth. I believe that history will be reiterating itself and hence non merely would sharing family duties be the most feasible option but a must. The text ( Ch. 12 Pg. 259 ) describes the superwomen as the dual-career married woman who has unrealistic aspirations as she tries to pull off being a married woman. housewife. and female parent and balance her calling on top of it all. She ends up experiencing down and in the terminal is overwhelmed and reaches the point of exhaustion. Had she shared the duties with her spouse she might non hold range this point and this is why equity is of import to matrimonial satisfaction and the well being of the household. 3. Traditionally. in the past labour has ever been divided by gender functions. The married womans would cook. clean. wash dishes and the work forces would make most of the outside jobs and fixs around the house. Today this continues to be how undertakings are divided among most twosomes and will likely go on to be for the following few old ages. Largely. because the inequality of undertaking dividing is non defined as unjust by the married woman and most of a labour they might bask making or possibly the hubby might hold a higher income and hence experience as if they obligated to make more around the house. Whatever the ground being why inequality still persists in todayââ¬â¢s society in respects to household work. one thing is for certain. there has been an tremendous advancement from earlier old ages in the sharing of family duties which causes for greater potency in one twenty-four hours being closer to the ideal 50-50 in undertakings sharing.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
PROJECT ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PROJECT ANALYSIS - Essay Example The CRM is a significant business management tool employed in the contemporary business environment for enabling organisations to achieve their business goals effectively. The case study involves Warnaco Group Company, which is a womenââ¬â¢s clothing industry whose team is charged with installation of a new CRM system at the marketing department level of the company. Information-gathering Techniques and Design Methods Most of the technical staff members understand the significant of collecting information from clients, users, employees, stakeholders and many others as the fundamental part of their job. Most of them employ both qualitative and quantitative research design methods for data collection in order to obtain their intended project goals effectively. The there are various ways or techniques of gathering information and the most common methods employed includes surveys, focused groups, interviews, questionnaires and literature searches. However, these methods depend on what the technical staff in the Warnaco Group Company demand; thus defining the information they need through designing effective methods will enable them to retrieve information successfully. Gathering information is one of the first crucial aspect for technical officers and many technical staff members attempt to muddle their way by employing a poorly planned information gathering technique in project process. Myers and Avison (2002) argue that well planned methodologies and implementation of effective techniques in data collection process is vital. Questionnaires/Surveys The technical team in the Warnaco Group Company will employ surveys and questionnaires in gathering information before the installation of CRM software system in an organisation. These techniques are significant because they will enable the technical team to reach a large audience across the departments. Employing specific questions can enable project designers to get a clear data set than surveys because surveys ten d to produce a low response than questionnaires, which can produce a higher response. However, the technical team or project design team can increase survey response and this is through ensuring that the survey questions focuses only on the concept of CRM system. According to Marczyk, DeMatteo and Festinger (2005), the use of questionnaires and survey designs will enable one to design a project effectively because it tells what people wants. Knowing what people wants can be the key factor for the success of any project being implemented. Many companies measure the attitude of employees and customers; thus the best way to gather or find information about them is to design survey or conduct interviews. Focused Groups The technical staff members of the project can employ focused group discussion or group interview and this is vital because it can enable them to gather adequate information about the project. Focused groups are effective especially in case the interviewer want to create a dialogue about the project program. This can enable respondents to interact freely with the project designers; thus gathering significant information about the project. The use of focused group is vital because this technique is mostly employed in testing new approaches such as discovering stakeholders concern towards the installation of the CRM software in the Warnaco Group Company. A group of stakeholders of the company can meet in a discussion or conference room whereby the trained moderator will train
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
World Literature Phase 4 DB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
World Literature Phase 4 DB - Essay Example Other comparisons include the thought that sometimes the sun is too hot while his love is never unpleasant to be around, never too intense. In these types of comparisons, in which she is not like early summer nor like late summer, Shakespeare indicates that his subject exists in a space of time that doesnââ¬â¢t exist, neither shaken by rough winds nor too hot for comfort nor too short for summer. Despite this, he recognizes the short term period in which most beauty exists. The summer is too short to contain his love, but as time passes, ââ¬Å"every fair from fair sometime declines, / By chance, or natureââ¬â¢s changing course, untrimmedâ⬠(7-8). As much as her beauty seems timeless to him, Shakespeare is acknowledging that time cannot be held back for anyone and will eventually leave its trace upon her beauty. The second half of the poem begins to describe her in terms that seem to place her beyond the realm of the living, ââ¬Å"But thy eternal summer shall not fade / Nor lose possession of that fair thou owââ¬â¢stâ⬠(9-10), because time seems incapable of touching her. This idea is negated in the next line though, ââ¬Å"Nor shall Death brag thou wandââ¬â¢rest in his shadeâ⬠(11), making the reader begin to wonder just how this individual is to escape the inevitable progression of time to which the rest of the human race is subject. The only way t o preserve such a thing, Shakespeare reasons, is through poetry. ââ¬Å"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to theeâ⬠(13-14). As long as someone is capable of reading his lines, the beauty of his love will remain unforgotten and unspoiled. Because of these wonderful images that portray the depth of affection felt for another, poetry remains inextricably linked with romance and the involvement of the imagination. Christopher Smartââ¬â¢s poem, ââ¬Å"Jubilate Agnoâ⬠is quite different from most poems because half of the lines all start with the word
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Separation of a mixture of solids Essay Example for Free
Separation of a mixture of solids Essay Purpose: Purpose: To determine and execute the separation of mixture of solids through different means. Examples are magnetisms, evaporation, and filtration Procedure: I used a measuring device such as a scale, funnel, beaker, magnet, saucer, and graduated cylinder to determine the values for each measurement. Data Table: Experiment data Grams Percent of Mixture Iron filings 1.4g 1.4/4.5*100 = 31.1% Sand 1.3g 1.3/4.5*100 = 28.9% Table salt 1.0g 1.0/4.5*100 = 22.2% Benzoic Acid 0.8g 0.8/4.5*100 = 17.8% Total 4.5g 100% A. I would have used the magnet to separate iron fillings as suggested in the lab. But I would have used the filter paper second to separate sand from rest of the solution rather than evaporation. B. Major disadvantages would have been not all the benzoic acid would pass through the filter paper which would make our procedure more difficult. C. Contamination of the other substances left in the sand.D. I feel there are four errors;1. Not thoroughly moving iron out with magnet.2. When pouring acid salt mixture into funnel some of the acid crystals stuck to the cup which made it difficult to get all sample out.3. Some of the benzoic acid might have passed through the filter paper into the salt water mixture. 4. Not proper dissolving the salt when separating it from the sand leaving salt in the sand mixture. Conclusion: When using various means of separating a mixture (magnetisms, evaporation, and filtration) it is possible to get accurate measurements of each particular material. However there is a high chance of error if care is not taking due to several reasons enu merated above.
Friday, November 15, 2019
J.B.Priestleyââ¬â¢s play, An Inspector Calls :: English Literature
English Coursework - An Inspector Calls. After the inspector leaves, The Birlingââ¬â¢s discuss the nightââ¬â¢s events. They go into a stage of blaming each-other for Eva Smithââ¬â¢s death, pushing the guilt onto one-another. Mr. Birling still does not have his priorities straight as the first thing that initially springs to his mind is that fact that the families reputation will go down the drain if any of the information they gave out will be found out by the public. He claimed that ââ¬ËThereââ¬â¢ll be a public scandal.ââ¬â¢ He was certain that he was going to get a ââ¬Ëknighthood in the next honours listââ¬â¢. In response to his fatherââ¬â¢s attitude, Eric is unconcerned about what the public will think, but more concerned about what went on that night. Mister and Mrs Birling donââ¬â¢t want to admit to themselves that they played any part in the girlââ¬â¢s death, and keep twisting the subject to point the blame back to Eric. Eric informed his parents ââ¬ËWell, I donââ¬â¢t blame you. But donââ¬â¢t forget Iââ¬â¢m ashamed of you as well- yes both of you.ââ¬â¢ He is openly admitting that he has done wrong, but thinks that it is unfair to take all the responsibility for the death of the girl. Here again, his Father was steering the blame away from them by saying ââ¬ËThere's every excuse for what both your mother and I did- it turned out unfortunately, thatââ¬â¢s allââ¬â¢. This is a gutless attitude for them to have considering how they were feeling before the inspector left them. Sheila was quiet up until this. Sheila is on Ericââ¬â¢s side and openly admitted that she behaved badly, but she then pointed out that they were pretending that nothing much has happened. It is here when Eric reminds his father of what he had told himself and Gerald earlier that evening just before the inspector had arrived- ââ¬ËA man has to make his own way, look after himself and mind his own business, and that we werenââ¬â¢t to take any notice of these cranks who tells us that everybody has to look after everybody else, as if we were all mixed up togetherââ¬â¢. Thinking about this, the Birlingââ¬â¢s begin to have doubts as to whether the inspector is in fact, an inspector. It seemed too ironic that an inspector would walk in at that moment. Sheila described it as being ââ¬Ëvery queerââ¬â¢. She then quoted ââ¬Ëit doesnââ¬â¢t much matter nowââ¬â¢ how ever mister Birling disagrees as it matters ââ¬Ëa devil of a lot to himââ¬â¢. He is relieved that there is still hope that his reputation is not at stake, and let off the hook
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Football Religion
Christianity, with more than 2 billion believers, ranks second among the major religions of the world. Soccer is first. FIFA, the guardians of the faith, calculated that a cumulative television audience of 28. 8 billion people tuned in to watch the 2002 World Cup tournament. Keep in mind that the world's total population is only 6. 6 billion Hello I am one of the biggest football fan in the world. And I am here to show you how football is synonyms to any religion in the world. I will be telling you about the customs, rituals, the gods, the holly places and the like of football a. . a. soccer and how they are some what of same nature as the ones practiced in some of the worldââ¬â¢s major religions like Christianity and Islam. Like Hinduism, football has many gods. If we take Arsenal FC for instance the striker god of all time is Henry, the Mid field god was Vieria but now its Fabregas, the defensive god has to be Tony Adams. Its not just arsenal FC, every FC and every national team has its own gods. Few people wear the vestments of their favourite molana or priest as compared to the jerseys worn by the fans of their favourite player. Football provides the ritual of a weekend gathering for those who are truly committed. Fewer people visit churches on Friday as compared to the the fans that go to the Mecca of Football ââ¬Ëthe football stadiumââ¬â¢. Football has its own mythology too, those stories that believers tell to explain their identity and history and every club or nation has got one. It even has its own book in which all the rules are written. And like any religion the love of the game is passed through generations. If my father supported a team I am automatically put into the hierarchy of followers when I am born. Extremism also exists in the religion of football, and the extremists are known as the hooligans. Fans use the mean of violence to show there love for the team. They can be viewed as the jihadis, fighting the rival team supporters for the pride of their team. Religion is not complete without rules and code of conduct and football is no exception. It has got its own rules, its own mysterious language and song of praise. And if the rules are broken then it has the priest, the father or the molana of its own blowing whistle and punishing the players by showing yellow and red cards. In the end I would like to say that even though football falls in every category of a religion it has its gods, book, followers, holly warriors etc it fall a just short of a religion because The faithful don't get angry if God doesn't deliver a miracle every week. Football fans on the other hand do get very annoyed if their teams are not performing to the expected level, and miracles are often demanded.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Bucket Rider Opinion
The Bucket Rider opinion essay In ââ¬Å"the Bucket Riderâ⬠, the writer used lots of surreal elements to make it more interesting and catch the readerââ¬â¢s attention. This makes the short story more thoughtful. It says ââ¬Å"I ride off on the bucketâ⬠; ââ¬Å"he has opened the door to let out the excessive heatâ⬠; and ââ¬Å"my bucket has all the virtues of a good stead except power of resistance, itââ¬â¢s too light, a womanââ¬â¢s apron can make it fly through the airâ⬠. First of all, the writer says ââ¬Å"I ride off on the bucketâ⬠. This is definitely a surreal element.People put food, and other items in the bucket, but nobody would ride on the bucket. The bucket has no power, itââ¬â¢s not electrical equipment, and of course itââ¬â¢s impossible to add coal to make it fly. Also in the short story, it says ââ¬Å"I propel myself with difficulty down the stairs; but once down below my bucket ascends, superbly, superbly; camels humbly squatting on the ground do not rise with more dignity, shaking themselves under the sticks of their driversâ⬠. From here, it shows that the bucket fly like an airplane, it can goes up and down, slow and fast. In fact, it tells the readers how poor he was.The weather is freezing, but he doesnââ¬â¢t have a heater, he cannot even go buy coal, so he dreams he is flying on the bucket. Second of all, ââ¬Å"he has opened the door to let out the excessive heatâ⬠. Here, he represents the dealer. From the begging of the short story, it tells the weather is terrible, and itââ¬â¢s freezing outside. The dealer opens the door the let out the excessive heat, not the window. Nobody would open the door at that terrible weather. The only reason to explain this is the dealerââ¬â¢s house is very warm, they wonââ¬â¢t even feel a litter bit cold if they open the door.It shows that the dealer represents rich people. They have everything at home, and they can choose to share them or waste the m. The last one is ââ¬Å"my bucket has all the virtues of a good stead except powers of resistance, which it has not; itââ¬â¢s too light, a womanââ¬â¢s apron can make it fly through the airâ⬠. The bucket cannot have power and it canââ¬â¢t fly. But the reason that the writer put it at here because he wants to tell poor people canââ¬â¢t feel warm, the warm does not just mean the temperature, it does also represent the feeling. From here, it shows two types of rich people, the dealer and his wife.The dealer is the good one and his wife is bad. The dealer doesnââ¬â¢t hunger with money, he likes to help people; on the other side, his wife really cares about money. Once she heard ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll pay you in full for it, of course, but not just now. â⬠She waves her apron to let him go away. In conclusion, the writer used a lot of surreal element in the short story, because he wants to tell the readers that how different between rich people and poor people, and how they trite each other, those surreal elements which makes the short story more meaningful.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Small Company Y2K Report essays
Small Company Y2K Report essays 3. Hardware and Software Compliance It is a problem resulting from the common programming practice of using only two-digits to store the year in software. The practice dates back to the 1950's when computers began to be used for business purposes. Using two digits for dates is benign and causes no harm so long as the next year is a larger number than the current year. For example software applications that use dates have no problem with the sequence of 95,96,97,98 and 99. However, when the century ends, the year 2000 will be stored as 00. Calculations or decisions, based on dates or time periods, can go seriously wrong. Inregard to personal and small business computers, the problem is three fold. Firstly, the computer hardware must report the current date correctly. Many computers, especially early Pentiums, 486, 386 and 286 based machines, will on the 1st January 2000 Revert back to 1 April 1980 or some other date. Thus creating a potential problem until the correct date is re-entered - provided of course that the computer can be set manually to a date beyond 311299. Calculation of Leap Year dates may also be incorrect on some computers. Secondly, the computer software must carry out the correct calculations based on a four-digit year (e.g. 1999 or 2000 etc) rather than just using the last two digits. The supplier or manufacturer of the software should be approached to ascertain the compliance of their code, or their schedule to have it corrected and distributed. Thirdly, your data must be in the correct format - namely year described as a four-digit number. If your dates have been entered as described above (that is 15th Feb 1955 entered as 150255), then you have a data conversion to be carried out. To determine if Windows NT 4.0 ,Win95 and would roll to the appropriate date, the control panel applet "DATE&TIME"(d&t) was used to change the dates. The machines d&t were set to the day before each date outlined in the ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley Mary Wollstonecraft was a pioneer in feminist thinking and writing. The author gave birth to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in 1797. Wollstonecraft died soon after childbirth due to a fever. How could this have influenced Shelleyââ¬â¢s writings? Although her mother did not live long enough to influence Shelley directly, it is clear that the Wollstonecraft and the ideas of the Romantic era greatly shaped Shelleyââ¬â¢s beliefs. The Life of Mary Wollstonecraft Wollstonecraft was strongly influenced by Thomas Paine and argued that women deserved equal rights. She saw how her own father treated her mother as property and refused to allow the same future for herself. When she became old enough, she earned a living as a governess but was bored with this work. She wanted to challenge her high intellect. When she was 28, she wrote a semi-autobiographical novel titled Maria. She soon moved to London and became an admired professional writer and editor who wrote about the rights of women and children. In 1790, Wollstonecraft wrote her essay A Vindication of the Rights of Men based on her reaction to the French Revolution. This essay influenced her famous feminist social study A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, which she wrote two years later. The work continues to be read in literature and Womens studies classes today. Wollstonecraft experienced two romantic affairs and gave birth to Fanny before falling in love with William Godwin. By Novemberà 1796, she became pregnant with their only child, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Godwin and she were married in March of the following year. During the summer, she began writing The Wrongs of Women: or Maria. Shelley was born on August 30 and Wollstonecraft died less than two weeks later. Godwin raised both Fanny and Mary surrounded by philosophers and poets, such as Coleridge and Lamb. He also taught Mary to read and spell her name by having her trace her mothers inscription on the stone. Mary Shelley and Frankenstein With much of the independent spirit that drove her mother, Mary left home when she was 16 to live with her lover, Percy Shelley, who was unhappily married at the time. Society and even her father treated her as an outcast. This rejection influenced her writings greatly. Along with the suicides of Percys estranged wife and then Marys half-sister Fanny, her alienated status inspired her to write her greatest work, Frankenstein. Frankenstein is often referenced as the start of Science Fiction. Legendà claims that Shelley wrote the whole book in one night as part of a competition between herself, Percy Shelley, Lord Byron and John Polidori. The aim was to see who could write the best horror story. While Shelleys tale isnt usually classified as a horror it did spawn a new genre mixing moral questions with science.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Financier Alwaleed bin Talal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Financier Alwaleed bin Talal - Assignment Example l who is currently fifty years old has being able to amass a lot of wealth since the year 1979 after finishing his university education and the latest Forbes ranking placed him as the 26th richest man in the world with a net worth reported to be approximately US $20 billion. Al Waleed Talalââ¬â¢s main investment vehicle is his Kingdom Holding Company where he owns 96% of the total shareholding. Khan (2005) further wrote that despite being a member of the Saudiââ¬â¢s royal family, Al Waleed Talal early childhood was not that rosy since a single mother raised him and this could be perhaps among the driving forces that have propelled him to be a successful man. According to Khan (2005), among the personal initiatives of Al Waleed Talal that have shaped him to become the most prominent Arab businessperson and investor is the military training that he received upon finishing high school that can be assumed made him a strict business man who is fully active on all of his business ventures. According to Khan (2005), the military training hardened him as a person and hence the reason why despite being a member of the Saudi royal family, he is the only member who has been able to amass a lot of wealth on his own, and even become the most influential Arab in the world. According to Khan (2005), in the business world Al Waleed Talal personal character is seen as an aggressive investor eager to tap on potential opportunities that may appear non-lucrative at the time, such as buying Citigroupââ¬â¢s shares while the company was in crisis. Al Waleed Talal is a philanthropic businessperson and through his foundation, he has made numerous donations mostly in a bid to further Islamic education in the world. Al Waleed Talalââ¬â¢s successful career has also being shaped up by his professional initiatives that have given him the skills required to run a successful business and even become a successful businessperson. To begin with, Khan (2005) stated that Al Waleed Talal has a Bachelor of
Friday, November 1, 2019
The competitive nature of the big supermarket chains in the UK Essay
The competitive nature of the big supermarket chains in the UK - Essay Example It will further discuss whether the market structure is beneficial or has a negative impact to the customers. The four brands take more than seventy-five percent of the market shares with Tesco enjoying the largest share of the UK market. The supply of commodities is always on demand; hence, the production scale tends to be large to have space to accommodate the economies of scale. When the issue of economies of scale comes into play, the variable cost is always low due to the advanced technology that results to full utilization of the investment. The consumers get more products at lower prices. The oligopoly market structure tends to attract large manufacturers. In addition, the manufacturers are required to have higher levels of technical and financial strength in production of commodities (Obitz, 2009, p. 59). It results to more benefits to the people as evident in the large quantities of low price products. The oligopoly market in United Kingdom supermarket chains does possess an aspect of interdependence. If a company makes a price or market strategy that has influence on the other companies, the whole market particularly the firms, become interdependent (Leahy & Neary, 2010, p. 25). This means that if one supermarket decreases or increases the price of its commodities, the other supermarkets will also adjust their price. The supermarkets, in most instances have a common agreement of how they make changes on the output and the price. In addition, most of their strategies seem to be similar in order to maximize on their profits. This results to a non-price competition in oligopoly market and price rigidity. The supermarkets in the UK avoid engaging in price wars. The prices are relatively same in all the large supermarkets. In the business world, some firms will tend to lower their price than the others while the quality of their goods is not securitized. This makes the consumers buy t he products at low prices and
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